software kecerdasan buatan ini yang kemudian ditanamkan ke robot polisi rusak yang kemudian dinamakan chappie. Perlahan chappie belajar layaknya bayi untuk menjadi seperti manusia. Chapie kemudian di sandera kawanan gank perampok, chapi belajar merampok dengan kayak yang kocak dan lucu.
Chapi mennganggap salah seorang kawanan perampok perempuan (yo lan di) sebagai ibunya.
Ada kisah mengharukan dan sedih di akhir cerita. Dan tentunya original soundtracknya keren keren.

Salah satu soundtrack yang paling saya suka adalah Lagu Enter the Ninja milik Die Antwoord. personil Die Antwoord, yakni yo lan di dan ninja sendiri yang bermain sebagai karakter genk penjahat dalam film chappie.
Lirik Lagu Enter the Ninja Die Antwoord OST Chappie - Sinopsis Chappie
I, I, I (aiay aiay)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
I, I, I
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection
I'm a ninja, yo
My life is like a videogame
I maintain when I'm in the zone
One player one life on the mic
I'm in the dark
Yo, ninja, go
No fuckin around I'm cutting down
Anyone in my path
Tryna fuck up my game with razor sharp
Lyrical throw stars
Killin' my foes like
Hos! Ska!
Wild, outta control
Ninja skop befokte rof taal
Rough rhymes, tough times
Met fokkol kos, skraal
Till I hit triple seven at the ATM
Straight famine or feast,
When you're living on the razor edge
Stay sharp, sharp
Rolling with the $O$
High energy
Never seen zef so fresh
Uh, when we mic check
Hi-def flow's flex
Yo we aren't the messed up
Not fucking the best
We not like the rest
My style is UFO
Totally unknown
You can't fuck with my new Zef flow
I'm hard to miss
"You can't do this, you can't do that"
Yo, fuckin' who said so?
I do what I like
Too hot to handle, too cold to hold
You can't fuck with the chosen one
I-I-I want the knife
I'm a Ninja
Hook x2
Ninja is poes cool
But don't fuck with my game
Boy or I'll poes you
Life is tough
When I get stuck
When my time is up
I push through
Till I break-break-break
on through to the other side
Fantastically poor with faces like a stalker
Ninja is hardcore
Been cut so deep, feel no pain
It's not sore
Don't ask for kak or
You'll get what you ask for
I'm like a wild animal in the corner
Waiting for the break of dawn
Trying to get through the night
Just a man with the will to survive
My blade swing free
Decapitate a hater with amazing ease
This is not a game, boy
Don't play with me
I work my light sabre like a wild fucking savage
from the dark side danger
Yin to the yang
Totally Hi-Tek Ninjas
Motherfucking big in Japan
I seen the future, but I never got nothing in my hand
Except a microphone, big dreams and a plan
Fly-talking, sky-walking
Like a ninja
Hook x2
Fuck, this is like
The coolest song I ever heard in my whole life
Fuck all of you who said I wouldn't make it
Who said I was a loser
They said I was a no-one
They said I was a fuckin' psycho
But look at me now:
All up on the interweb
World-wide, 2009
Enter the ninja
Yolandi Visser
DJ Hi-Tek
Die fokken Antwoord
What's my name?
I, I, I (I'm a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
I, I, I (yo I'm a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection
I, I, I (Yo I'm a ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
I, I, I (a motherfuckin' ninja)
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Need your protection
makasih infonya gan bermanfaat bgt, kebetulan ane lagi cari film ninja